My Story
My name is Dawn Kopac. I am a Director with Scentsy and a Stay at Home Mother of 6. I have been with Scentsy since October 14th, 2008. I love my Career! What I thought would just bring a little extra money, for my family, has actually become a very rewarding job and career for me. I Have many Awesome Team members, that are a huge success! With my assistance and guidance we make one awesome Team! I have made many great new friends and team members. I love the whole idea of Scentsy. I have not ever found anything like it! Economical, safe, and long-lasting! I have yet to find an unhappy customer. I think what my customer base and team member’s love most is that Scentsy is economical. The safety factor also plays a huge part for a lot of us! They have over 80 warmers and over 80 Scents to choose from. Great gift ideas, from a new arrival, to the "Scentsy Man" in your life. Scentsy warmers are great for that college student. (no flame) so they can use them in their dorms. Great for the elderly. A Scentsy warmer can be left on 24 hours a day. The wax is only as hot as a paraffin dip, which makes it safe for children and animals. I have many Male customers that are firefighters in the Milwaukee Area, and believe this is a great Safe product and have purchased for family and friends. Electricians also are huge fans of the Scentsy Product! Both fields believe Scentsy is a safe product for anyone in their life. If you to are also looking for a way to earn some extra cash. Or try to make a career out of Scentsy. (Which is a lot easier than you may think). Then contact me at your convience, and we will talk "Scentsy". I am always looking for new Team Leaders If you are someone who wants to support your Scentsy habit or would like to make it your career it is up to you! I have truly found that people are looking for me, Scentsy definitely sells itself. I could not have found a better company to put my extra nervous energy into. I love Scentsy My greatest Joy with Scentsy is helping new Team Leaders become successfull, with training, and motivation....I encourage my girls with many incentives and recognition! Buy, Host, or Join my team! I promise you will love it! Either way! Buy=Just shop online, shoot me an email, or give me a call. Whatever works for you is best with me! Calling me or emailing me always ensures you get the most bang for your buck! Host= Host a Scentsy Party to get FREE merchandise, and 1/2 price items. Any Parties that reach $150.00 or more will receive FREE Shipping! Yes! You did hear that right! Free Shipping! Unless they would like a direct shipment then their order will occur a 10% shipping charge. Home parties= I run monthly specials of my own besides what Scentsy offers! Sign up for my newsletter to know what these are or just give me a call. When you host a show with me, I always have a Hostess gift for you and drawings for your guests! Not including incentives for show sales reaching certain levels. These are all extras you get besides your hostess Rewards and half price items. Joinl= No more sales requirements for becoming a Scentsy Consultant. Sell as a hobby or get paid on what your purchase for yourself. Your Scentsy Kit to Join will cost you only $99.00 plus shipping and handling! Most times this is paid for when you turn in your first Party! Contact me to find out how to get a discount every month! And make money off of what you buy for yourseslf. Scentsy sells itself! Request my friendship on Facebook! https/www.facebook.com/dawn.kopac Dawn M Kopac Independent Scentsy Family Director My Accomplishments with Scentsy Are: October 14th 2008= Signed on with Scentsy and Earned The Shooting Star Enhancement Kit! November 2008=Received Monthly Sales Award, which earned me an additional 5% off of my retail sales for that mo. My name in the Monthly newsletter. And a Charm bracelet with a dollar sign. December 2008=Received Scentsational Start Level 2 Award. Which earned me a $125.00 product credit, a Scentsly Lapel pin, a certificate of Achievement, and my name in the monthly Newsletter. Feburary 2009=My first new Team member March2009= Second new team member September 2009=3rd and 4th Team members and continually growing at this point! Promotion to Lead Consultant October 2009= Promotion to Star Consultant, and another Monthly sales award! At this point I now have 8 team members! November 2009= Promotion to Superstat Consultant, 3 Team members who have started their own teams. Which brings me to 10 team members. And ANOTHER Monthly sales award! July 2010= Qualified for More Parties More Prizes Incentive! Earned myself something practical for MYSELF!!!! November 30th, 2010= I finally make Director, after a lot of hard work and determination. Many monthly sales awards and gifts for me in the last year! Feburary 2011= Spring Sprint Attendee August 2011= Earned Warming up the Summer Incentive October 2011= Starting my 4th year with Scentsy! Many more Monthly Sales awards and Many more training awards! I love my job! Jan 2012= Earned my first Scentsy Paid Vacation! Rockin the Republic in Punta Cana! Hard Rock Cafe! March 2012= Earned My lifetime Acheivement Award over 60,000 in sales. Pandora style charm bracelet May 2012= Shooting Star Enhancement award with New brand Velata! May 2012= Shooting Star trainer award, and new charm for my pandora sytle braclet! June 11-16th, 2012= All expenses paid trip to Punta Cana for my husband and I! Augus 2012 lifetime Acheivement charms 70,000 August 2012 Shooting Star Award for Grace Adele! Kit and charm! September 2012 Summer incentive Winner! September 2012 Blast off incentive with 500 dollar Scentsy Family credit! To be used on any Scentsy family brand! November 2013 $100,000 Lifetime Sales Award August 2014 $110,000 Scentsy is growing fast, in the State of Wisconsin, 70 when I signed on in October of 2008! Join in on the fun and take advantage of getting onboard the Scensty Team, to build your own business! Make new friends, earn extra money for whatever you would like. Whether to pay bills or pay for the extras in raising a large family. You chose! The possibilities are endless! Serving nationwide USA, and Looking for new team leaders in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Ireland. Hosting parties in Southeastern Wi. Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee and Waukesha Co. Find my Fanpage on facebook Dawn I am so excited to inform you all the Scentsy has gone global and is now searching for New Team Leaders in Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany, and Ireland, Australia, Poland, Mexico! Good luck to all of our new Scentsy family!